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Coaching Staff

Yes, all of our teams lack of discipline and attention to detail falls on the head coach.

We’ve seen the same story all four years.

Honestly this whole thing is a mystery to me. We have great coaches on the staff. Why haven’t coaches Lubick, Chinander, Austin, Held, Fisher, or Dawson (to name a few) taught these guys how to play disciplined football? I understand that Frost could be bad at teaching these things but the players are working mostly with the position coaches on a day to day basis. All of the coaches will tell you in unison that they’ve been working on fundamentals, mistakes, special teams, and making them a major priority.

What makes us think any other coach would be able to walk in and suddenly teach these guys how to play good football? What is it that teams like Iowa and Northwestern have in the way of disciplined coaching that we can’t figure out? What is the secret sauce preventing us from having success in these areas?

Why would Montana want to hire coach Lubick (or any school hire of our assistants for that matter) when they are in part responsible for the circus of errors that our team brings out every year and every game?

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